
Color That Site!

Change the colors of web sites. With the move of some sliders, you change the foreground and background colors of a site!!!

To edit Color part, please follow those steps:

- Step 1: Please go to /admin/themes/

- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme

- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Colors":

There are many options in color part that you can choose from, below are our detailed instruction about Color Part:

There are 2 options for Style Switcher, those are: Box and Fullwidth. When choosing Box Style, that means your site view will be limited around because it's covered by a box:


When choosing Fullwidth style. That means your site will be covered all screen:

There are 6 color styles in Clearshop. For more details, please take a look below:

Color Style 2

Color Style 3

Color Style 4

Color Style 5

Color Style 6

There are unlimited background color for you to choose, please not that background color just applied for "Box" Style switcher!

There are 30 backgrounds for you to choose from, so please be free to pick up your favouritve one!

Mega menu

To edit Mega Menu part, please follow those steps:

- Step 1: Please go to /admin/themes/

- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme

- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Megamenu":

There are 2 types of Mega Menu:

Megamenu Style 1

Megamenu Style 2

Block Header

To edit Header part, please follow those steps:

- Step 1: Please go to /admin/themes/

- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme

- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Header":

Then you can see the result in the Frontend:

Block Footer

To edit Footer part, please follow those steps:

- Step 1: Please go to /admin/themes/

- Step 2: Click on button: Customize Theme

- Step 3: Scroll to selection "Footer":

Then you can see the result in the Frontend: